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Omnipresence com

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For it is necessary for the agent to be present and near to the patient, but God acts everywhere, therefore etc."įrancis of Meyronnes, Commentarius in libros Sententiarum, Liber 1, Distinctio 37, Quaestio 1, Paragraph the mover is in the moved it is manifest that the mover and moved will be in it at the same time" "the second way for some people is the way of causality. "It is able to be said that though God has infinite intensity, nevertheless he does not have extensive infinitude or infinite magnitude, which are imagined by the preceding arguments, therefore they do not conclude."įrancis of Meyronnes, Commentarius in libros Sententiarum, Liber 1, Distinctio 37, Quaestio 1, Paragraph Via causalitatis Bonaventure are allied in teaching that God is omnipresent **not only** because of His operation in all things but also because of his infinite perfection, which reasons, however, they never intended to be mutually exclusive." "For some say that, just as God is intensively infinite, so he is extensively infinite, not that he has part outside part, but that he is able to coexist in infinite places."įrancis of Meyronnes, Commentarius in libros Sententiarum, Liber 1, Distinctio 37, Quaestio 1, Paragraph of Hales, St.

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